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What You Do Not Know About Pastor Chris And Christ Embassy

Christian Oyakhilome was born on December 7, 1961 to the family of Elder T.E Oyakhilome who was one of the pioneers of the Assemblies of God Church (AG) in Benin City and major parts of the old mid Western region if Nigeria. He is an Esan from Edo State.

Chris Oyakhilome conducted his first crusade at the age of nine (9).

On completion of his secondary school Education at the Edo College, Benin City. He spent his vocation as a book store attendant, selling books at the reknowed Faith Miracle Center Opposite Benin Airport pastored by Rev. Benson Idahosa of the Church of God Mission int'l incorporated (CGM).

He got admitted into the Old Bendel state University established by late Governor Ambrose Alli (Now Ambrose Alli University) when it was established in 1981 and studied architecture. As an under graduate he established a fellowship known as youths for Christ (YFC) notable among the leader was another student, Tom Amenkhienan who was the leader of the choir. Anita Ebodaghe and her friend Joy Ihegie were members of the choir who soon both Chris and Tom.

YFC soon became one of the largest fellowship on campus in Epoma.

By 1988, Chris Oyakhilome established the ministry known as Believer's Loveworld (BLW) and named her Church arm Christ's Embassy with headquarters in Lagos. He got married to Anita on February 2nd 1991. 

Six months before he passed on, Benson Idahosa told Chris Oyakhilome to invite him to a programe in BLW before March 14th Benson Idahosa deid unexpectedly on March 12th. 

By 2002, BLW had became the most prominent Christian ministry on television in not just Nigeria but all over African continent with her Atmosphere For Miracles crusades.

Earlier in 2003, Pastor Chris pioneered the first 24 hour Christian satellite network broad casting from Africa world wide. Pastor Chris has conducted some of the largest Christian crusades in the world till date, the Port Harcourt as well as the FNB Johannesburg crusades were said to have hosted crowds of about 2.5 Million people. 

The Rhapsody of Realities by Pastor Chris translated in 1,000 languages in Over 500 countries and domains is widely considered as the most popular devotional in the world, he has authored over 21 Books. 

More  than any Ministry, Christ Embassy has turned the music scene of Christianity today producing gospel music Minister's such as Sinach, Joe Praize, samsong, Buchi, Jahdiel, Even and Frank Edwards among many others.

In January 2014, pastor Chris Oyakhilome PhD donated a 650 capacity auditorium to his Alma mater, Ambrose Alli University while also donating N1b (Billion) to Benson Idahosa University (BIU) to build her engineering faculty. The Faculty has been named Chris Oyakhilome Faculty of Engineering, BIU.


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