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DEALING WITH THE WRONG MINDSET — Apostle Jonathan Shekwonya

DEALING WITH THE WRONG MINDSET — Apostle Jonathan Shekwonya

Mindset is a portal through which God operate in men. This means that God has a thought pattern, and as a believer you should get to a point were your mindset synchronizes with the mindset of God. Mindset (A, way if thinking, thought pattern), The way you think determines who become, this explains that your physical live and body is a captive of your thoughts. [Proverbs 23:7] the way you behave is a reflection of your mindset. The devil only has access into your life when you permit him, the Bible says, "if you break an edge the serpent will bite" so he only has access into your life when your mind permits it.  [Romans 12:1-2]

How People Develop Mindset 

1. Culture And Traditions
The culture and traditions of a vicinity creates mindset in the lives of its inhabitants, this is because it keeps occurring often and on, culture has a way to shapen Mindset.

2. Past Experiences.
Your past experiences has a way of giving you a thinking pattern, it has a way of giving another way of thinking, never tie your life to the things of the past, let your past not reflect on your  present life. Never allow your past define you.

3. Peoples Experience And Opinions.
That a thing happened to someone close to you never mean it will happen to you, don't allow your mindset to be tilted by other people's experience.

4. Personal Ideologies And Believes.
Every mindset looming around was propagated by someone, mindset are gotten from people's ideologies. Who ever you give your mind to, you give your life to, let your mind be given to the word of God and your life will be patterned by the word.

5. The Word of God. 
The word of God contains everything that concerns you as a believer. You will find your identity in the word of God. The word of God is the most powerful source of mindset including encounters. As soon as you subscribe to the mindset of the word of God, you are as old as God. Anything that is not aligned with the word of God is an Antichrist spirit.

Wrong Mindset People Are Living With

1. Self Sufficiency.
Never have the mindset of self sufficiency. Any mindset that attempts to make you self sufficient is Babylon. Any mindset that attempts to take your dependence anyway from God is not from God. As your birth was by divine help from your mother, so your growth also needs divine help from God and man. You need men to be lifted, you need people as well, they are called destiny helpers.

2. Compromise Of Values And Standards.
It has filled everywhere this days that people must compromise to rise which is a lie, you shouldn't do away with your values and standards all because of a favour from man. You must not compromise to rise.

3. Chang Of Location.
Never assume that when you get to a better place things will be well. Anywhere God has not sent you, you can't prosper there. God's location for you is the most accurate for you even though the place doesn't look like it. The place might not be greeener as you expect it but in the lords time is shall be full of God's Glory.

   *There Are Fortifications Built Around Mindset [2Corinthians 10:3-4]
 Anything that attempts to create another ideology in you the Bible says cast it down, don't allow anything to create a thinking pattern that is not based on God's creation plan for you. Cast away wrong thought because they can captivate you, and you have the power to captivate this thoughts by casting them. When you dwell with word of God you become a captive of the word of God.


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