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MUST READ!! My Experience With Secular Music – Pastor E.A Adeboye

My Experience With Secular Music – Pastor E.A Adeboye
In the late 1970s, I was an ardent fan of Sunny Ade, Ebenezer Obey, and Fela. As a young Christian, I saw nothing wrong in listening to their songs.
I kept enjoying the vibes from their albums until one fateful day I attended an evening bible study. The teacher instructed “that all secular music records must leave your house”, using 1 John 2:15-17 as a basis.

I struggled in my spirit and was not willing to accept this. On my way home that evening, the Holy Spirit did not let me rest.

He kept reiterating that I had heard the truth. That same night, I got rid of all my secular albums and as time went by, I replaced them with gospel music.

I observed that going to bed, having listened to worldly songs, has a way of affecting your sleep. There was a particular song I listened to before my bedtime and demons came chasing in my dream but when I started listening to gospel songs, I discovered that I usually dream of angels, victories or wake up singing praises to God. I have been experiencing peace like never before.

If Jesus physically asks to see the playlist on your phone will you be proud to show it to Him? Any music that does not glorify God or build up your spirit man is poisonous. Gospel music can chase demons away and bring you peace (1 Samuel 16:23).


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