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        Strictly For The Unmarried

Before you get married, there are things you think you want. Things you expect your partner must have or else, the marriage would be somehow. Those things become the basis of your search. If you don't see it you tell yourself it won't work. Maybe it is a body shape. "Ah! She must be abl be to write the number 8 very well o." "Guy, nam o! Model'". "Babe, have you seen him? Gosh! He packs it in 6's". Before marriage, what you want is a trophy. And these modern day marriage counsellors help accentuate your desires after listening to them they leave you wanting more than you wanted. You want something you can appease the god of the people's eyes with. Something you can post pictures and do tik-tok videos with. Something that talks intelligently with well articulated English construction. Something that can break your bed and your waist in the process.

Before you marry, you want something.

Then you get married, and it is exciting. The first few days are crazy. The bedroom is as steamy as the bathroom is whenever the hot water is turned on. The english is very well articulated. You guys cant wait to post your first pictures and tiktoks. The god of the people's eyes must get his sacrifice. He must be worshipped, and the sacrifice will be worth his status as a member of the pantheon. You keep telling your friends "ore, she maaaaaaad", "babe he is a big boy oloun".

In those few days, you have gotten the thing you wanted.

Then the days become weeks, and the weeks become months, months in years, and if you are lucky enough, those months become years...years in decades, decades in a lifetime. And then it becomes clear...

You soon realise what your soul genuinely craves and it is not someone that will be as perfect as the entourage of ladies or guys that are on your tail. You soon realise you do not want the granting of your wishes or the promise of the moon or stars. You soon realise that the well articulated English doesn't matter especially if it is used in nagging you and making your life miserable. You soon realise that as long as thought is expressed and it is thoughts of peace, it doesn't matter if the punctuation are in the right place. You soon stop chasing what can be learnt or bought. You start craving your souls deepest desires.

Someone whose heart beats only for you.
Who will wait until you are back home safe and sound.
Who would choose you above all else.
Who would love you enough to keep a warm meal in the plate.
Someone who would look you in the eye and tell you "dont be afraid. You can do it".
Someone who loves you enough to talk to God regularly about you.

As the days go by you realise your soul doesn't crave SOMETHING.
Your soul's desire is SOMEONE.

I can only pray that you find him or her as easily as I found mine.

It may not look like much now, but it makes a world of difference.

Please Shear This!

Usen MJ
The Man In Ile-Ife


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