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SHOCKING: What Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Revealed About (Covid19), 5GAnd The New World Order

SHOCKING: What Pastor Chris Oyakhilome Revealed About (Covid19), 5G And The New World Order

"Don't think what is happening right now has to do with a virus. It's not a virus. The world has chosen to be deceived. As they have been deceived many times before."

"This is not the Pandemic. Question where did the other ones go? No one is asking. I have asked the question, 'Where do viruses come from?' They are not found in nature, it means they're created.

I'm trying to let you know the reason you're in your house. I call it a global seige."

"What they don't tell you is that your body can be connected. Did you know that once that happens you can also be controlled as your devices are controlled.

Meaning that signals can be sent to your brain, your brain can be controlled. Once that happens you are no longer yourself. The idea is controlling the new race.

So since they can't vaccinate everyone, they started vaccinating children and raising them that way."

You wanna know what's going on in the world? There's a movie called "Divergent" from 2014.

That's what the groups that are interested in the new world order are up to, to put vaccine in your body containing a digital ID, by which you as a human being can be controlled, you seize to be yourself.

To achieve the vaccination, they using 2 things:

1. They created a pandemic (Covic19) in order to create fear and panic.

2. They use internet of things (IOT), and created 5G (people can easily embrace it), which causes health issues, but you wouldn't know cause they made you love the high internet speed.

Both strategies lead to achieving their initial plan, vaccination with digital ID.

If these groups were not hiding anything,......

1. They forced everyone to stay indoors (aka quarantine/lockdown), but they have people busy installing 5G connections outside.

2. Why do they get angry when others express opposite views. They taking down their websites and posts. E.g 1. Youtube deleted many videos expossing this conspiracy, 1 by former Vodafone boss. E.g 2. Facebook deleted post by Brazil president exposing their plans.

If you still don't yet know what is going on, know today; it's not about the Corona virus. This is basically a group of people serving a devilish cause trying to checkmate humanity to hell.

Don't be ignorant, neither silent. This isn't a time to seat on the fence because there is no fence. This isn't about religion because as you can see, there isn't one either. It boils down to two options: Life or Death.

We are still in the age of the Church and the antichrist cannot advance his plans yet. The Bible is clear that after the Rapture of the Church, the son of perdition will be revealed. Brothers and sisters, this isn't a time to play with Christianity. Give your life to Christ now while you still can because these things will happen, but after the Church is raptured.

- Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

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