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Showing posts from March, 2020


UNDERSTANDING YOUR MAN — Dr Becky Eneche                     UNDERSTANDING YOUR MAN                               -------------------- Men are the simplest specie I've ever handled in my life. No man is difficult, ignorance is what makes it difficult. If you want men to fall in love with you and your fiance/husband to treat you like the greatest treasure on earth, you must understand what makes a man a man, the right buttons to click and how to enjoy a sweet, blissful, heaven on earth marriage with him! 1. MEN HAVE FIRST LOVE They are passionate about it and that is his work. A man must succeed. Not making progress in life is like being impotent, he feels castrated! You must understand this and give him space to succeed. This requires time, efforts, focus, sleepless nights. To demand he spend all his waking hours watching romantic movie with you is to tur...